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When our Democracy is Threatened

It’s hard to know what to do when our democracy is threatened. Anger, shock, grief, and hopelessness fill our hearts and overwhelm our senses. These feelings must be acknowledged and expressed.

Take a deep breath.

Now let us move to action. These events are a reminder of the work we must continue to do- for and WITH the young people in our programs. We must continue to champion social justice and racial equity, and eradicate ignorance from every corner of our society. In 1963, John F. Kennedy told us: “the ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” Let us recommit ourselves to the ideal of democracy, and pass these values on to the next generation.

Stand with us as we continue to empower youth, impact the industry, and strengthen communities. Visit our website for ways to get involved. There is so much work to do!