YouthBuild Boston (YBB) was founded in 1990 with the goal of providing underserved young people with the support and credentials needed to successfully enter the construction and design industry.
The YouthBuild Role in Building a Better Boston
YouthBuild Boston empowers and assists young people of color with essential social, vocational, academic, and life skills necessary to navigate a positive pathway to self-sufficiency, neighborhood responsibility and careers in the building industry.
The City We Seek to Help Create
YouthBuild Boston envisions a city rich with opportunity for all young people, and a building trades sector that provides opportunities for all. We envision a region with a strong supply of affordable housing and an economy which provides pathways for everyone to thrive.
The Guideposts for Our Work
These are the values that guide our work in all areas.
Young People: We believe in the power and potential of every young person, and we strive to create an environment for all young people to reach their full potential.
Collaboration: Building is a team activity, whether in construction or youth development. We seek to foster strong teams for the well-being, safety, and benefit of all in our community.
Commitment: We are a community of mutually accountable leadership, staff, and students and we’re committed to our shared goals and processes (like safety).
Diversity: We value the diverse identities and perspectives shared by our students, partners, staff and others in the YBB community. We are committed to ensuring that everyone feels a strong sense of belonging here, and that our treatment of each and all members of our community is fair and equitable.
While YBB promotes the core values of youth development and community service, it stands out as an innovative non-profit offering a hands-on approach to construction and design training. Our programs provide opportunities in vocational education, counseling, and other life skills that readily strengthen and prepare students for the workforce upon graduation.
young people, when empowered with the skills and education necessary to improve their quality of life, will realize that they can play a leadership role in strengthening their communities.
YouthBuild Boston’s Impact Triangle