Suffolk Construction Announces New Partnership With YouthBuild Boston


YouthBuild Boston is excited to highlight our new partnership with Suffolk Construction and Girl Scouts of Eastern MA. This partnership will help increase the number of young women entering the building trades and related fields.

Women represent only 9.9% of the construction workforce, and Suffolk Construction is taking action to Rebuild the Ratio. As part of their pledge to increase the number of young women in their workforce from 28% to 38% over the next 10 years, Suffolk will partner with YouthBuild Boston and the Girl Scouts of Eastern MA to bring 10% of all girl scouts in Eastern MA through a new Construction 101 Curriculum customized for girls 5-17 years of age. As the curriculum is implemented nationally, 2.5 million girls will pass through the program and into the STEM pipeline by 2025. Learn more about the pledge that Suffolk has made in alignment with Women in Construction Week and International Women’s Day by visiting their website: Rebuild the Ratio.

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