YBB Congratulates Mayor Marty Walsh!
Mayor Marty Walsh and YouthBuild Boston’s Executive Director Brian McPherson team up with the Red Sox Foundation at McConnell Park in Savin Hill in 2014. Youth Build Boston students worked to install new dugouts for the little league teams.
YouthBuild Boston extends our warmest support for Marty Walsh and his nomination as labor secretary. A long-time supporter of our organization, Walsh has looked out for us since his time as state representative, where he helped ensure state funding for YouthBuild programs. Since that time he has continued to help make our city a better place. As a Dorchester native, Walsh grew up in the neighborhoods we serve. He is a champion for middle class workers, and truly understands what it takes for young people to build a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. As we continue to work towards expanding opportunities for the young people of our city, YouthBuild Boston applauds President Biden's choice and congratulates Mayor Walsh on his nomination as labor secretary. With Walsh's continued support, we are excited to continue empowering youth, strengthening communities, and impacting the industry for many years to come.